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Version: v15.x - Umbraco 15

Licence is Not for This Domain

If you have a valid licence but it does not cover the domain that Umbraco is running on you might see the following message:

Warning Banner

This licence entered in this site is valid but not for this domain

This is because Translation Manager checks the licence key and the domain the request is made on. If the domain is not in the list of valid domains for a licence, this message will be shown.

Licence Settings Page

On the licence page (Settings-> Translation Manager), you should see a message with more information:

Your licence is valid, but it is not for the current domain.

Your licence will work for the specified domain and subdomains (e.g., but it will not work for other domains with the same ending (e.g.

This may be because the the underlying domain that the server is on, is not listed in the licensed domains.

This licence check was performed against [YOUR_HOSTNAME_HERE]. If this host is not listed in your domains then contact us. If this is part of the same project we should be able to add the domain to the licence for you.

If you need translations for another site/project then you will need to purchase a new domain licence for that site.


While in this mode, Translation Manager will behave as if it is unlicensed, and only allow you to send content to one language.


If the domain is part of the project then we should be able to add it to the existing licence information and send you a new key.

Email us with the details and we will add the key.

If the site is part of a different project then you will need to purchase an additional Translation Manager licence. Licences are per project/client and are not transferable.