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Version: v15.x - Umbraco 15

File Upload Size

There are several features within uSync.Complete where you can upload data, either directly or between servers. When you do this, you might be uploading large amounts of data or media files and you can encounter a 404.13 error which is 'request to large'.

To bypass this error, you can change the allowed upload size for your application via the web.config.

However, if you don't want to make a global change of this value for all requests on your site, you can change it for specifically for uSync.Publisher and uSync.Exporter requests by using the configuration(s) below:


All server to server uSync.Publisher requests will go via a umbraco/uSyncReceive end point, so the following config will change the allowed upload size for all uSync.Publisher requests.

<location path="umbraco/uSyncReceive">
<!-- Up the file upload limit to 500mb, this is for moving media around -->
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="512000"/>
<!-- Restrict API access by IP -
you can here restrict so only the servers
can talk to each other -->
<ipSecurity allowUnlisted="false">
<add allowed="true" ipAddress="" subnetMask="" />
<add allowed="true" ipAddress="" subnetMask="" />
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="524288000" />

The config above will set the upload limit for the `Umbraco/uSyncReceive' root to 500mb, allowing for a large number of media files to be synced as part of a single publish.

It will also put a placeholder in, should you wish to restrict the publisher root by IP address for security reasons.


All uSync.exporter requests go via umbraco/backoffice/usync/uSyncNuexporterApi, so the following config will set the upload limit for requests to that path.

<location path="umbraco/backoffice/uSync/uSyncNuExporterApi">
<!-- Up the file upload limit to 500mb, this is for moving media around -->
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="512000"/>
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="524288000" />

This will up the upload limit for the `umbraco/backoffice/uSync/uSyncNuExporterApi' root to 500mb, allowing you to import larger 'syncpack' files directly within the uSync.Exporter dashboard.