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Version: v15.x - Umbraco 15


uSync.PeopleEdition adds four new handlers & serializers to uSync to manage users and member syncing between environments.

These manage:

  • Users
  • User Groups
  • Members
  • Member Groups


The People Edition dashboard is now integrated into the main uSync dashboard with the Users and Members options.


As of uSync v13, the user/members are now disabled by default in the uSync dashboard (but will still work in exporter). They can be turned back on via a config change in appsettings.json file.

For example:

"uSync": {
"People": {
"EnabledDefault": true

Syncing Passwords

Passwords are stored in Umbraco in a non-reversible hash. When uSync exports these for members and users they will be stored in the .config files for those accounts.

When these values are imported to another Umbraco instance that instance has to use the same machine key values to hash passwords or they will not match when users attempt to login.

As a result you should ensure that any Umbraco instances where you wish to sync members should have the same machineKey value in their web.config files.


uSync.PeopleEdition will not sync the main Umbraco Admin Account. This is to stop you losing access to your Umbraco installation.