📄️ Publisher config
From uSync v9 the majority of the uSync publisher config now lives in the Database, and can be synced between your servers via the dashboard.
📄️ Server config
From uSync v9, the Server config is stored in the database for each site. The settings can be controlled via the uSync Publisher dashboard on any server.
📄️ Sync Settings
When you configure a server you will see options around how you configure what is sent between servers.
📄️ Group Permissions
You can choose certain permissions on your server for certain groups. In the backoffice, go to Settings --> uSync Publisher, and click on the server you want to edit permissions for. Select the permissions tab, and adjust the settings to your liking!
📄️ Security
uSync.Publisher is sending your content and media between Umbraco instances, and as such security and integrity of the messages been sent is paramount.
📄️ uSync SiteSeed 🌱
uSync SiteSeed allows you to seed a new site with settings, content, media and files from an existing site.