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Version: v8.x - Umbraco 8

uSync.Publisher Server Config

Within the uSync.Publish.config file the servers section defines what servers this Umbraco Instance is aware of and what it can do when sending or pulling content from that Umbraco Instance.

Example /config/uSync.publish.config file
<server alias="development" url="http://localhost:64741/umbraco" enabled="true" showSelf="true">
<description>Development Server</description>
<icon>icon-lab color-deep-purple</icon>
<server alias="stage" url="https://localhost:44363/umbraco" enabled="true" showSelf="false">
<description>Staging Site</description>
<message>This is our staging server</message>
<icon>icon-server color-orange</icon>
<server pull="true" push="true">development</server>
<server pull="true" push="true">stage</server>
<server pull="true" push="false">live</server>
aliasstringName shown to user when selecting.
urlstringURL of server in form https://server.url/umbraco
descriptionstringShort description shown to user.
baseUrlstringURL server gets response on. see baseUrl.
iconstringIcon shown when selecting.
groupsstringList of user groups who can see this server.
showSelftrue/falseShould sever be shown on list of available servers if user is already on said server (should only ever true if you are debugging).
messagestringShort message that is shown to editors when they select this server.

Alongside the main settings any of the Sync Settings from the main config file may be included in a server, meaning you can have different options for different servers.

Network Mode

Requires uSync.Complete v8.6+

This feature requires uSync.Complete 8.6 or greater

When in network mode the allowedServers setting allows you to specify what servers can and can't be sent to while the user is on each server.

<server pull="true" push="true">development</server>
<server pull="true" push="true">stage</server>
<server pull="true" push="false">live</server>

N.B the main config setting <NetworkMode> needs to be set to true for these settings to take effect.

For each server in the servers section you can specify what servers can be 'pushed' to or 'pulled' from. This means you can have the config for all servers in a single uSync.Publish.config file which can then be shared between servers.


AllowedServers controls the UI but it does not impose security restrictions on the API, you should still follow the steps in the security section of this help.