📄️ Debugging uSync
There may come a time when uSync isn't doing what you expect it to do ☹. This is a sad time for us all, we want to stop that from happening, but first we need to work out what is wrong.
📄️ Turn Off Content Edition
Starting with Umbraco v9, Content edition is enabled by default. This means all changes to content and media will be saved to disk, in the uSync folder.
📄️ Dictionary Handler
Change the DictionaryHandler's Group
📄️ Upgrading uSync
You can upgrade uSync by entering dotnet add package uSync into the commandline, just like downloading it.
📄️ Using Guid File Names
When uSync saves an exported item to disk, it will use the name or alias of the item as the file name by default.
📄️ Flat File Structure
By default, uSync will store all of the items of the same 'type' (e.g DataTypes) in a flat folder structure.
📄️ Background Notifications
Background Notifications are available from Umbraco v13.1 onwards.
📄️ FirstBoot 🥇🥾
uSync FirstBoot is designed to get you up and going with an Umbraco site, easily and with minimal interaction.
📄️ uSync Roots 🌳
uSync Roots lets you have a root (or many roots) site that you can then base other sites on, and with those other sites you can either overwrite or sync them back to your root site as and when you need to.
📄️ History
The History feature logs imports and exports, allowing you to keep track of every change added to your files.
📄️ uSync.Once / Stop Files
uSync.once and uSync.stop are special files that you can use on your deployments to control how uSync imports will run at startup.
📄️ Importing/Exporting Options
If you go to Settings --> uSync you can Import or Export your Settings, your Content, or Everything. This can be done by clicking the Import and Export buttons. Sometimes more specific versions of these actions are nessacery, and so you are presented with options.
📄️ Webhooks
With the introduction of Umbraco v13 you can now configure webhooks to trigger on events (such as content published, or media item saved) inside your Umbraco site.
📄️ uSync Performance Tuning
We work hard to make uSync's impact on your site as small as possible, but as your site gets larger some of the work uSync has to do to keep the sync folders in order will increase.
📄️ Exclude/Include Content
Excluding and Including are both useful tools to make sure uSync only syncs the content you need it to.