Handler Names
When enabling, disabling, or configuring a handler you will need to reference it by name. For example, to disable a handler you may use the following setting:
"uSync": {
"Sets": {
"Default": {
"DisabledHandlers": [ "DictionaryHandler" ]
The following is a list of handlers and their names :
Handler Name | Default Group | Description |
ContentTypeHandler | Settings | Document types. |
DataTypeHandler | Settings | Data Types. |
LanguageHandler | Settings | Languages. |
MacroHandler | Settings | Macros. |
MediaTypeHandler | Settings | Media Types. |
MemberTypeHandler | Settings | Member Types. |
TemplateHandler | Settings | Templates. |
ContentHandler | Content | Handles content items. |
ContentTemplateHandler | Content | Content Templates. |
DictionaryHandler | Content | Dictionary items. |
DomainHandler | Content | "Culture and Hostname" settings for content. |
MediaHandler | Content | Media items. |
RelationTypeHandler | Content | Relations and Relation types. |
Handler Name | Default Group | Description |
PublishedContentHandler | Content | Published content. |
MediaFileHandler | Content | Media items embedded directly on content (e.g ImageCropper items). |
Handler Name | Default Group | Description |
PublicAccessHandler | Members | "Restrict Public access" settings on content. |
MemberHandler | Members | Member accounts. |
MemberGroupHandler | Members | Member groups. |
UserHandler | Users | User accounts. |
UserGroupHandler | Users | User groups. |