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Version: v13.x - Umbraco 13

Property Mapping

Translation Manager comes with support for all the core Umbraco text-based property editors, as well as most of the popular 3rd party text-based property editors. However, there may be times when you have custom property editors that are not covered by the core installation.

If you have a custom property editor that stores information in the same format as an existing built in property you can map your custom property to that inbuilt editor. Translation Manager will use that mapper for your values.

In Umbraco the mappings are stored in the appsettings.json file.

 "mappers": {
"tags": "img,a",
"attributes": "title,alt"
"strict": true,
"text": "string.Empty",

You will be able to see whether you custom mappings have loaded in the Translation Manager Diagnostics tab.